Under direction of Travis Emery (Knight Sentry), the UCSA is a Historical European Martial Arts class practicing in Salt Lake City, Utah. Our primary weapon of study is the Longsword though we also teach Short Sword, Dagger, Buckler, Pole hammer, Messer, spear, and Saber as well as unarmed fighting and defense. All weapons used in class are made of steel. Most of the swords that we use come from Purpleheart Armoury, or SoCal Swords and are available here:
www.woodenswords.com/Default.asp http://www.socalswords.com/
Class time is spent doing warm ups, technique drills, one-on-one sparring, as well as other drills and practice techniques depending on the week.
The Historical European Martial Arts are a unique system of self-defense skills, but as with any martial art, they may be dangerous. Participants are encouraged to wear protective equipment. That being said, metal armor is not allowed in regular class activities without prior approval. Athletic cups are required for all male participants when doing sparring activities, and this gear is highly recommended for those investigating class as well. Fencing masks are highly encouraged and can be borrowed from class. Full protective gear is required for more advanced training and further equipment can be borrowed during class time until the point that you are sure that you want to purchase it for yourself. In order to participate in class activities students must be at least 12 years of age.
Our beginners class is taught from 12:30-2:30 every Saturday or 7-9pm Thursday nights and costs $30 for the 4 weeks. It is best to begin on the first week of the month but exceptions can be made with prior arrangement. Classes are held at Spearhead fitness 4540 S Highland Dr, Holladay, UT 84117
Call, email, or stop by for more information.
Articles about us
Salt Lake Magazine
Interview with Jordan
Daily Utah Chronicle Article on our U of U HEMA Club
Salt Lake City Weekly’s story on us:
The Deseret News did a story on us:
The Geek Show podcast, who presented our PSA in the 1/31/11 podcast.
We have classes on Saturdays from 12:30-2:30 and Thursday nights from 7-9 pm at Spearhead fitness 4540 S Highland Drive, SLC, UT 84116 Our Beginners Class begins the first week of every month, and all that is required is signing a waiver, the class cost of $30 and a willingness to come learn. Sign up for Beginners class here: https://forms.gle/FsSXPkmmfkgVS6oMA
Contact: Jordan Hinckley 8015502080 Swordsmanjordan@live.com for more information |